Meet the Team behind City of Dis

Meet the Team: As a member of an inter-species family I owe my sustenance to our dogs Kali, Odie, Puchki, Joy, Squealer, Maya, Hanunu, Chantella, Bela, Lars, Circus, Clover, Rambo, Ditsy and Debbie. As well as the various toads, snakes, geckos, spiders, butterflies, birds, lizards and all the unknown lives that call our home their home. I also owe guidance from beyond the land of the living, to ancestors and to the land.

What being a litigant in person has taught me most importantly is to shed my anthropomorphism. And turning towards indigenous struggles for sustenance in a painful time means learning to access that which the world we live in reviles.

Joy, our leader of the team

Joy: Leader of the Team

In spite of having survived a crippling accident as a puppy they are the gentlest soul to other animals. They bring in their expertise in compassion, empathy and misanthropy.

Squealer, an important member of the Team

Squealer: Joy’s machcha

They love to sing. They bring to the team expertise in methods and joys of distraction – i.e. in squealing/howling. At the drop of a hat.

Maya, the youngest and brattiest of our team

Maya: Entitlement Embodied

Maya embodies the spirit of personhood. They bring in expertise on privacy, boundaries and enforcement of fundamental rights. And no being small is no excuse.

Hanunu a very important member of the team

Hanunu: Our body buffer

Amongst our dogs Hanunu has borne the maximum brunt of the hatred unleashed against us. They bring in their expertise on resilience.

Bela the spokesperson for the team

Bela: Spokesperson

Bela the vociferous spokesperson of one of the packs. They bring in the expertise of using vocal chords, of articulating demand for community. And to never give up.

Chantela the hunter of our team

Chantela: Quiet Hunter

Chantela looks like a squishy teddy bear. But they are the hunter of the pack. And death with them is always clean and quiet. They bring in expertise on the power of patience, of respect for those they slaughter.

Lars the Team protector

Lars: the Protector

Lars will put themself on the line when they perceive anyone as a threat. Perceives being the keyword. They will fight to death for their pack. For their territory. They bring in their expertise on the importance of loyalty, of family.

Circus the one with the unbridled joy

Circus: the Squealer

Circus is the rut of the pack and as such they are the one everyone protects. Their ability to feel such abundant overflowing love for Joy is a pleasure to watch! They bring in expertise in the joys of letting one’s body feel its emotions.

Clover, Rambo and Ditsy the streeties who are team survivor

The Streeties: the Survivors/the Explorers

They are Survivors! Clover is someone who takes on cobras! And yet they are the quietest, stubborn-est dog we care for. Rambo and Ditsy exemplify living Guy Debord’s dérive as day to day existence. They bring in their expertise on survival, fun and crossing boundaries.

Meet the Team From the Ether

Photo of my sister with our Dad H.Munikempanna who passed on in 2007
Our Dad
Photo of our dog Dew who passed on in 2018
Photo of our dog Kaali who passed on in 2018
Photo of our dog Odie who passed on in 2022